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Our Indian traditional Architect Samples

Architectural Wonders that are awe-inspiring

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Ista Bruneina Nurul Iman, Bandar Seri Begawan One of the best structural wonders, the Palace of Brunei Sultan is straight out of fantasies. The Istana Nurul Istana Nurul or ‘Royal residence of Light and Faith’ contains more than 1788 rooms, dinner lobby for 5000 people, 1500 limit mosque, a 110-vehicle carpark, 5 pools and naturally…

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bachelor of planning colleges in india

Why India’s suitable for a lot of International Students

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It’s a common belief that India’s home to students who go abroad for studying. A lot of us go to study masters in US/UK and sometimes even land a job there. But what a lot of people don’t know is  India too is a host to a lot of international students. A huge part of…

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best architecture colleges in coimbatore

5 Reasons why you should belong to KAHE’s Department of Architecture

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With our history dating back to 1956, we’ve envisioned the dream of being one of India’s top architectural colleges. We’re already one of top colleges in Coimbatore and we’re doing our best to emphasize on importance of sustainable designs and architecture. We offer B.Arch and M.Arch, M.Plan in Town and Country Planning, M.Plan in Housing,…

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