Karpagam Architecture Blog

Architect working on 3D modeling software

Avoid These Common Mistakes in CAD and 3D Modeling

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Recently, 3D modeling technology has made the visualization process easy for architects and designers. Since the cost of 3D applications is less expensive, this has opened opportunities for designers. Now clients and organizations like to choose the data and experience in 3D modeling, which makes it easier and allows them to prevent potential issues. The…

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Architect reviewing sustainable building plans

5 Career Opportunities for Architects with Green Certification

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In the architecture field, earning a certification is important as it improves your career prospects. Architects can receive the knowledge, skills and expertise in various areas of the profession with these certification courses. When you choose to pursue these courses, it helps in professional development and makes more competitive candidate in the job market. Even…

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Fashion merchandisers analyzing trends

How Fashion Merchandisers Stay Updated on Industry Trends

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In this evolving fashion industry, there is a need to keep pace with the trends, which range from aspirations to essential requirements. Thus, fashion designers need to have creative minds and strategies to drive the success of prominent brands and the ability to predict, modify, and introduce innovations, which are significant influences in today’s industry…

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Architect presenting design to client

The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Architectural Client Presentations

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When you present a design that makes it visually attractive presentation is important that deliver a better impression of your project. Don’t think preparing presentations is not just the end in your college life, it continues. Project presentation is a tool for creating an expression which provides a psychological and visual impression to the audience.…

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Social Media Fashion Strategy

Unveiling the power of social media channels in the fashion landscape

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Social media is predominantly used nowadays as it fosters communities, drives user-generated content, and promotes interaction between fashion brands and consumers in real-time. Fashion and social media are entangled, as they facilitate fashion brands to reach a global audience, significantly influencing fashion trends and consumer preferences Studying at the best fashion designing colleges in Tamil…

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Interior Design Colour Psychology

Redefining Interior Space Experiences with Colour Psychology

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Colour is a vital element in setting the mood of a space, and its effects on human emotions have been studied extensively in the field of interior design. Colour psychology is a school of thought that seeks to understand how different hues can create a specific atmosphere and mood in a room. This involves a…

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urban planning technologies in action.

Integrating Technology to Redefine Town Planning

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Urban planning is a complex field filled with challenges for planners, but technology is enabling them to work more effectively and efficiently than ever before. Advanced tools like computer-aided design (CAD) software, generative AI, augmented reality, and blockchain are transforming how cities are planned and constructed. Pursuing BArch programs at the top architecture colleges in…

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futuristic architecture and architectural tools.

Innovative trends shaping the future of Architecture

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The field of architecture is continuously evolving, making it vital for students to stay updated on emerging trends in the industry. Pursuing a BArch at the leading architecture colleges in Coimbatore provides you with awareness of the latest design and technology trends, which include: 1) Sustainability: Architects emphasize sustainable design practices to address environmental and…

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fashion models celebrating body positivity.

Fashioning new narratives by embracing diversity and body positivity

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The fashion industry was earlier synonymous with unachievable beauty standards and unrealistic body expectations, but in recent years, the industry has started embracing inclusivity, diversity, and body positivity. This change is due to the body positivity movement, which advocates accepting and celebrating all body types regardless of shape, size, ethnicity, or ability. The movement gained…

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Structures to Tackle Climate Change

10 Approaches Architects Employ with Built Structures to Tackle Climate Change

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Architects are critical to steering the construction industry toward sustainable and eco-friendly practices to tackle climate change. Their decisions on the building’s design, materials, and construction processes heavily influence its energy efficiency and overall environmental impact. Gain exposure to constructing building structures by integrating eco-friendly practices to ensure sustainability by pursuing a BArch at Coimbatore’s…

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