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Data and Analytics importance in Architectural Decision-Making

The Importance of Data and Analytics in Architectural Decision-Making

512 342 kararctech

Nowadays, data is the biggest assertion in the 21st century for every sector. It includes an architecture field where you can find a similar impact. Architectural critics often describe technological advancements as philosophical and stylistic changes. According to this viewpoint, the impact of data has been overshadowed by the considerably more evident clichés of curvy…

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Fashion Design Trends in Future

The Future of Fashion Design: Trends and Innovation

563 376 kararctech

In recent times, the fashion designer career requires creativity, imagination and natural beauty to create costumes and other accessories. This design process basically evolves based on the time, location, social and cultural value attributes. Fashion design is now incorporating today’s trends and various competitive industries look at the wide range of opportunities and scope in…

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