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AI and 3D printing technology in fashion industry

The role of technology in fashion design: How AI and 3D printing are shaping the industry

614 410 kararctech

Recently, the fashion industry has always been on the top for creativity and innovation because of technology and artificial intelligence. From manufacturing to marketing and sales, you can see the technology implementation and it has highly impacted the fashion industry. AI technology gives better options and solutions for creating, distributing and consuming design. With 3D…

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Collaboration between humans and machines

Fashion Designing: Collaboration between Humans and Machines

512 342 kararctech

The fashion industry unlocks new potentials with the collaboration of humans and machines. This transformation includes selecting the fabric and tailoring the products based on individual tastes and different strategies to surpass competitors. These shifts have actually reshaped the fashion industry in every aspect from design to delivery of the products. Human and machine collaboration…

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Fashion Design Trends in Future

The Future of Fashion Design: Trends and Innovation

563 376 kararctech

In recent times, the fashion designer career requires creativity, imagination and natural beauty to create costumes and other accessories. This design process basically evolves based on the time, location, social and cultural value attributes. Fashion design is now incorporating today’s trends and various competitive industries look at the wide range of opportunities and scope in…

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The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Modern Architecture

The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Modern Architecture

563 376 kararctech

Artificial intelligence is buzzing in every field where the technology world evolves towards a better future. Automation is becoming a demand in every sector to make manual processes easier and it includes medicine, automobiles, manufacturing and architecture also. The high-tech robots have a rare chance to occupy human work. This shows today’s universities in India…

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The Advancement Of Technology Is A Plus For Architecture - How?

The Advancement Of Technology Is A Plus For Architecture – How?

1024 576 kararctech

In the process of architecture, there is sketching, conceptualising, planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other structures. Advancements in technology have helped increase the outcome of all these processes. Architecture is in direct contact with science and technology. Growth in the field of technology has significantly helped architects and designers. Technology affects how architects design…

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